Venus moving into Pisces this month will bring us all a boost of extra luck and joy. Venus is exalted in Pisces and gets an enhancement from Jupiter expanding this good fortune. This celestial energy heightens mid-month with the full moon in Libra, which is ruled by this exalted Venus. Make the most of this energy by getting out and making those real estate goals happen! This is the month to take a chance on that beautiful vacation home or shopping for that beach house in the Hamptons. Look at your individual horoscope to see what area this highlights for you so that you can maximize your fortune this month.
Aries (March 21 – April 19 )
The new moon in your ruling sign at the beginning of the month creates an opportunity for a fresh start, so plant the seeds of intention for your life and real estate goals. You will be energized the first few weeks with the sun in Aries, and it will give you the clarity to navigate the housing market whether you are buying or selling. As Venus moves into Pisces, look to find a property with a quiet retreat in the backyard with a pool or garden to enjoy your own personal getaway. You’ll have lots of energy this month and beyond and it would be good to have a place to recharge your batteries, as this spring energy can feel like a whirlwind.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Your ruling planet Venus brings you lucky opportunities through connections in your social circles this month. Someone you know may be selling your dream home, or you may gain access to a unique opportunity not available to others. Mercury moves into your ruling sign in mid-April, bringing you good news and putting communication in your favor. Take advantage of this if you have contracts to sign mid-month. An eclipse at the end of the month in your home sign signals a possible shift in residence, so be ready for a direction change.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Venus moving into Pisces is highlighting your public appearance this month, take advantage of this extra visibility to showcase a home for sale or to become known and favored among sellers. If you are on the market to buy, a home with commercial potential or a commercial property may become available to you. As this month’s full moon lights up your topics of fun and leisure, consider investing in a vacation home where you can escape for a weekend getaway.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
As Venus moves into the area of foreign travel for you, lucky opportunities are opening up in exotic destinations. It’s a good time to take a trip out east and see what new luxury Hamptons getaways are on the market. Jupiter meeting up with Neptune in Pisces will make a dreamy, out-of-this-world opportunity possible. This month’s full moon highlights the topics of home and family, indicating an auspicious time for a big move.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
This is a good month to look into a joint venture as Venus moves into your topics of shared resources. This could create opportunities for shared investments or the possibility of a favorable new mortgage. Jupiter is supporting Venus and creating abundance through cooperation/ deals with a business partner. If you have a house on the market, consider using this month’s full moon to showcase an open house, as this would be an auspicious time and will result in positive fanfare.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
This is a lucky month for partnerships, and abundance finds you through your business partner or marriage. If you are looking to purchase a new property, consider your partners’ connections and let their good luck lead the way this month. As the full moon mid-month is lighting up your topics of income and resources, you could get a raise or surprise profits coming your way. Consider using that extra bonus to acquire an investment property that helps you generate long-term rental income.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
This month’s full moon lights you up! Use this extra mid-month energy as a catalyst for realizing your real estate goals. If you have a property on the market, you might find a big buyer showing up at this time. If you are in the market to buy, Mercury moves into a supportive area for signing contracts and can help you negotiate an agreement in your favor. Take advantage of the spotlight that the full moon is offering you this month and use your charm to finesse a good deal.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
As Venus moves into your topics of leisure this month, see what kind of fun you can get into on the beach or in the mountains. It’s a perfect time to discover that relaxing vacation property. The eclipse at the end of the month suggests a big pivot for you, signaling an ending or new beginning. The universe may be pointing you in a different direction now, go with the shift, and see what new chapters are opening for you. If you have been waiting for a sign from the universe, this might just be that surprise moment to make that big move.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Venus moving into Pisces shines focus on your home residence this month. This would be a great time for a home renovation or beautification project. Consider putting in a pool, pond, or indoor fountain and inviting that Pisces energy to beautify your home. If you are looking to buy, you may find a new home near the water. The full moon is highlighting your social sector this month, so abundance can find you through the spotlight of a party or social gathering at home.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Venus is bringing you abundance this month through siblings and neighbors. If you are looking to buy a house, see what local listings are popping up near you and in your siblings’ neighborhoods. If you are selling a property, it’s a lucky time for an open house, inviting your neighbors to spread the word for you. With the new moon falling in your area of home and family, it’s also a good time to plant the seeds of intention for a new house or an addition/upgrade to your current home.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
This is a lucky month for you as Venus brings abundance into your income sector this month. This could indicate a new sale or expenditure on a big purchase. Just be cautious not to overspend, as Jupiter may inflate your expenses now as well. Saturn and Mars meeting in your ascendant also indicates that you are a serious negotiator, and will likely get your way if you stand your ground in your contract agreements to buy or sell.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This is going to be a lucky month for you as Venus moves into your ruling sign. Venus will bring more fortunate opportunities and gift you with favorable outcomes at this time. Take advantage of luck on your side and put an offer in on a new house. With the full moon lighting up your shared resources mid-month, it’s a good time to offer a bid and get the price you want. Mercury also moves into the area supporting your communications, giving you the upper hand in negotiating a contract. This is a great month to take a chance because both Jupiter and Venus are helping to make your real estate dreams a reality.
When the stars are aligned for you to buy, sell, invest, or rent real estate, reach out to us at In the meantime, browse properties on