Greenwich Village Travel Report
Number of Trains: 13 Number of Stations: 6
The Summary:
58.3% of the Greenwich Village neighborhood’s commuters ride the train to and from work each day, which is more than 99% of America’s neighborhoods.
Riding your bike to work is also a great choice in this neighborhood. With almost 4% of residents in the Greenwich Village neighborhood commuting on a bicycle to and from work daily, this neighborhood has more bicycle commuters than 96% of all neighborhoods in the U.S.
M, A, B, C, D, E, F, M to West 4th Street
M, 4, 6 to Astor Place
M, N, R to 8th Street
M, 4, 6 to Bleecker Street
PATH to 9th Street
PATH to 14th Street
Great Jones Street
Mercer Street and Bleecker Street
Washington Place and Broadway
Washington Square East
Laguardia Place and West 3rd Street
Sullivan Street and Washington Square
MacDougal Street and Washington Square