Happy Friday! Here’s the scoop on the New York real estate world this week!
The Week: April 25 – April 29
In this exciting week in the real estate world, we see tips for those who are graduating school, informative maps that show which subway stations increase rental prices the most, and which colors attract the most bed bugs.
TripleMint’s Pick: What makes a perfect NYC apartment? Three architects weigh in
Every wondered what the perfect apartment looks like? Many might say a huge ceiling, lots of space or a giant balcony. However, these are just suggestions. What exactly makes a perfect apartment; well ask no more, three architects finally show you and explain to you what the perfect apartment looks like.
The two sides of Central Park: How real estate values stack up
East vs. West. Older money vs Old money. Central Park East vs Central Park West, which one is actually valued more? Even though these two neighborhoods are split by a park, their rental prices are massively different. However, even though Central Park East may be more expensive in terms of sheer apartment cost, there are plenty of other factors to consider.
Getting ready to graduate and move to NYC? We’ve got you covered
It’s almost the end. The end of school! Graduation is upon many students which brings fear and/or joy. However, before accepting your diploma, have you figured out where you’re going to live? After graduation is where many students first begin to live on their own. It’s scary; it’s difficult. Lucky for us all, Brick Underground is featuring tips and hints to situate any student into an apartment!
Handy Map Shows The Median Rent Surrounding Your Subway Stop
Transportation is a BIG part of New York. Everyone is always going somewhere or leaving somewhere which means subways are used heavily. Therefore, it comes to no surprise that closeness to a subway affects rental costs. But by how much? RentHop has figured this out for us. They have provided a subway map with the surrounding rental prices on each stop. Are you about to move? Want to live closer to a subway stop? Well consider this map when making your decisions!
From Airbnb to asbestos, our favorite real estate moments from Kimmy Schmidt’s second season
It’s interesting to see how media views NYC rental prices. However, no other television show or movie gets it as accurate as Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! The writers of the second season of this hilarious show know what’s happening around NYC rental and shines a huge spotlight on many problems. Issues such as asbestos, AirBnB, and gentrification are all touched upon that satirically analyzes the problem. The second season is definitely a winner and we can’t wait for more!
This floating park is finally coming to NYC
Pier55 is something that has been rumored for seemingly forever. However, after finally receiving approval from the US Army Cops of Engineers, this fantastic park is finally coming to NY. The main attraction of the park is its ability to float above the Hudson River; therefore making it a floating island park! Construction will begin in the summer. The link above will show a video detailing what exactly will be included in this magnificent park!
Choose your decor wisely: apparently bed bugs are attracted to certain colors
Before you decide on your new curtains or your new bed sheets you may have to pick a new color. Bed bugs have been reported to be attracted to certain colors compared to others. Darker colors such as red and black are the most common colors bed bugs are attracted to, while lighter colors such as white and bright yellow seem to provide fewer instances of bed bugs. While these colors won’t necessarily cause or deter bed bugs from invading your home, it’s always necessary to practice healthy cleaning rituals where ever you live.