Leah Tourt, Product Support Specialist
Quote: “Variety is the spice of life!”
What is a typical day for you at Triplemint?
Every day is something different, which is one of the reasons why I really love working at Triplemint. My primary focus is on creating video tutorials for our agents but I’m often supporting our agents via Slack or by hosting weekly meetings on tech tips, which is a deep dive into a particular new feature on Apollo. I also get involved in building new campaigns with our Marketing department. Whatever I’m doing that day, I’m in constant communication to support all of our agents on our products.
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
I love helping people. I love it when an agent comes back to me and says “I was able to use your tutorials to send out an e-blast or create a custom report.” It makes me feel like a mama that’s proud of her children. It also makes me feel reassured that my tutorials are useful and effective, which is the most important thing.
What has been your favorite project at Triplemint?
My favorite project was when I redesigned the mobile app. I’m a bit of a nerd. I love to learn and add more things to my repertoire, so this project gave me the opportunity to use a section of Salesforce that I never used before.