The Phantom of the City, Alec Baldwin, has pledged to leave NYC and the public life forever after a series of unfortunate events that led to the demise of his super “vanilla”/cause no controversy MSNBC show. I respect a man who takes no responsibility for the actions that lead to the terrible things that happen to him (-sighs and shakes head-).
Mr. Baldwin wants to move back to the city he once loathed (LA) to escape the new Beverly Hills (NYC), but in an article posted in New York Magazine, Alec said, “And the soul of New York has moved to Brooklyn, where everything new and exciting seems to be.” So why doesn’t he just move to Brooklyn?
Along with the upside of – volatile – Alec Baldwin moving across the country, we may now be seeing his cluster of Devonshire House apartments in Greenwich Village hit the market. Win/Win. The 30 Rock star, and notoriously ill tempered Baldwin brother, bought the penthouse for $11.5 million in 2011. Styled by StudioB, an environmentally sound design/build team, the space includes a spacious dining room, two master bedroom suites, a fireplace and an upstairs den.
Will we see this home hit the market?