Happy Friday! Here’s the scoop on the New York real estate world this week.
The Week: July 11 – 15
In this week in the real estate world, we see how Pokémon Go affects real estate and people, the most family-friendly NYC neighborhoods, and where to escape the heat in NYC.
Where’s Your Favorite Place to Beat the Heat in NYC?
This week has been quite sporadic in terms of weather. With sun shining one moment then a flash rain storm the next, it’s hard to stay cool and dry. However, New Yorkers still find a way. Here are some great places to stay cool during this hot summer.
Raising kids in NYC: Making the decision to stay in the city or move somewhere easier (and cheaper)
While New York may seem like the ideal spot for many, it is not perfect for all. Qualities that may be appealing to one person may be daunting for another. For those raising a family, is New York right for them? Find out the pros and cons of living in New York as a family.
Gotta close ’em all! How one broker plans to turn “Pokémon Go” into real estate bait
Ever since the release of Pokémon Go, it has revolutionized how people do business and how people interact. Local businesses are using Pokémon Go as spots to gather (and hopefully buy something). How has Pokémon Go affected real estate, though? Find out here!
10 family-friendly NYC neighborhoods you may not have considered
While New York may not seem to be the most family-friendly city, there are still a plethora of spots to grow a family. With ample neighborhoods with their own distinct characteristics, there is bound to be something anyone will enjoy. Find out the top 10 family-friendly NYC neighborhoods.
Pokemon Go Mania Causes NYPD to Issue Stranger Danger’ Warning’
While Pokemon Go is a very thrilling game with a huge user base, it is extremely distracting. It is so distracting that many people have been in accidents due to not paying attention. Therefore, here is the NYPD’s warning for those wishing to catch ’em all.