Recently, Rachael Blumberg and her partner, Yuval Chiprut, opened PLATEFIT in West Hollywood. Located next to King’s Road Cafe, the power plate studio is the culmination of an eight-year dream. Rachael is widely regarded as one of the most innovative and knowledgeable Power Plate instructors in the industry. Her love of fitness, health and sports led her to her passion of helping others achieve health and wellness.
PLATEFIT is a whole body, strength training and body lengthening cardio blast workout. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, you get results… quickly, and they’re amplified.
“The Power Plate offers so many benefits, aside from the obvious aesthetics,” said Rachael. “Power plates were originally created for the Russian cosmonauts to help them battle against atrophy. Today, the device offers physical benefits for MS, cerebral palsy, arthritis and more. The plate increases circulation at the same rate as increasing muscle stimulation, so it has the opportunity to benefit a wide variety of individuals.”
The Power Plate itself contracts muscles 30-50 times per second – that’s more than 900 muscle contractions in 30 seconds. The high-energy classes are 27 minutes long and start every half an hour, all week long at PLATEFIT. Expect a variety of themes, like dance, ballet, boxing, bootcamp, circuit training and yoga from motivated instructors playing high-energy music in a sweat-dripping, calorie-burning, body-toning workout. PLATEFIT is for all fitness levels, as well.
For readers of The Agency Daily blog, PLATEFIT is offering a free class. Merely enter the promo code PLATEFITWEHO to get your first class free.
iPhone users click here to book your class.
Android users click here to book your class.