An American abroad carries a guarded sense of guilt in his/her participation. The country’s workforce has long been typified by long hours and a reluctance to truly embark on a vacation, especially if that means traveling for an extended period of time. These helpings of vacation guilt have effectively sanctioned self-imposed travel restrictions on the exacerbated American worker. But a poll conducted by, reveals an outlook of stark contrast from American practice: nearly half of Americans believe in the unshakeable, emphatic truth that travel is no longer a luxury; it is necessity.
ForbesLife compiled several studies that speak to the benefit of such an attitudinal shift toward travel as a way in which to dispel the feeling at fault for partaking in something simultaneously owed and beneficial. Because the benefits of travel are as diverse as some of the destinations themselves, a better understanding of what you need is essential to gaining the most from your travels. A solo trip empowers an individual resilience, while a group vacation strengthens bonds between friends/family. But in either case the actual physical displacement can shift the right perspective onto a problem that plagued us at home.
From the promotion of brain health to rock-solid calves, the journeys we take as a break from our occupational lives leave a positive imprint on our bodies and our minds. Because an environment shift–even a temporary one–enhances brain power and heightened sensory abilities: leading to keener, sharper observations and an intensifying of focus. From a cultural and chemical standpoint, travel elevates the standard of life.
The Agency, in partnership with Cuvée Escapes, now offers a collection of luxury vacation rentals in some of the world’s most desirable destinations, where travelers enjoy magnificent accommodations and Cuvée’s brand of highly personalized concierge service for completely carefree vacations. So whether you desire the warm, white sand beneath your feet, or the cold, wintry snow beneath your skis, make sure to clock some time traveling. It’ll do you a world of good.