Home » News & Insights » Classic Eames Molded Side Chair Reissued In Wood

Classic Eames Molded Side Chair Reissued In Wood

by | Jun 6, 2013

First introduced more than 60 years ago, the Eames Molded Side Chair was never made in anything other than fiberglass or polypropylene. Wood wasn’t an option because it couldn’t be molded to create the signature curve of the seat.  Now, however, thanks to a new 3-D veneer technology that makes wood flexible enough to mold into complex curves, it is possible, and a beautiful new expression of the iconic chair is being issued in walnut, white ash and santos polisander.

Admirers from all over the world will be happy to know that the pliable wooden veneers create a look that is just as pure and sleek as the original, honoring the design integrity of the late Ray and Charles Eames. In addition to being emission-free, the more sustainable, sensible production process “creates a safer environment for the workers handling it, as well as a greener, recyclable shell at the end of the chair’s useful life.”

The exciting news comes from the Eames Foundation in conjunction with Herman Miller, the furniture manufacturer that has been providing the iconic pieces for the American market since the chairs introduction in 1950. The company has even managed to reformulate the mid-century color pigments so that both the fiberglass Eames Molded Chair and Side Chair can be enjoyed in nine vintage color options.

The wooden Molded Side Chairs are available with your choice of three classic Eames bases: metal rod legs, the metal “Eiffel Tower” base or wooden dowel legs, sold through the Herman Miller online store. Prices start at $629.

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